Monday, April 12, 2010

Fun Oil Painting Tip

For some artists there are very few things more intimidating than a white canvas. For your next oil painting try staining the canvas before you begin your painting.

All you will need is:
Any canvas or board that is has been covered with 2-3 layers of gesso, solvent, oil paint of any color, and a rag.

Use any fun color that will compliment your painting(usually light and bright colors turn out the best) mix the paint with your solvent until it is very runny. Next dip your rag in your paint solvent mix and in circular motions rub color on to your canvas until it you have consistent color over your whole canvas. Allow it to dry for one to two days and you will be ready to paint a fun piece that is full of color.

1 comment:

  1. A white canvas is very intimidating. Im not much of a painter/drawer but in my 2-D foundations class I remember my teacher told us to get different colors of paper. It helped me a lot to have that foundation of a color before I started. Great tip!
